Saturday, July 7, 2012

[APP] REVIEW: Audiosurf Tilt

by: Mark
Developer: Audiosurf, LLC

© AOL Inc.
This free little app is a good diversion when you have nothing better to do whilst listening to your music. It lets you load up a song from your collection, and then you surf down an undulating roller coaster of noise while you dodge notes (a la Guiter Hero).

Nothing substantial, but it has its finer points. The longer your streak, the better your score. You get more points, you can unlock new backgrounds and other little extras.

Not a lot of people use Zunes (unfortunately), so this review won't mean much to most of you. If you do own a Zune, however, give it a try. You might like it.

SCORE: 60 out of 100
If you're bored, give it a shot.

[GAME] REVIEW: Slender

by: Mark
Developer: Parsec Productions

Ah, another free to play, independent horror game? Psh, I've played SPC-087, this shouldn't be too bad.

This game is not frightening graphically. Really basic textures, white outlines in the darkness, and a narrow field of view really give this game a claustrophobic feel, but at no point does something look ominous or scary. Even the 'Man himself can be described as 'blah.' Noodle-bent arms, a pallid and lifeless blob for a face, that suit... visually unpleasant.

The sound is rudimentary, but it does its job well. You begin the game near a fence. You can run, and you have a flashlight. Both are limited. Follow that path, and you hear crickets chirping from the surrounding trees. BUT, when you find the first of 8 papers, then a horrible, slow heartbeat begins to play. Find another paper, and a soft wailing joins in. Find a third paper... I don't know what happens. I haven't found 3.

And here's my problem. Maybe I'm missing something fundamental, but the Readme says not to look at Slenderman or you'll die. So I noticed him along the side and turned away. Then BAM he kills me. Okay...?

So now I know better. I keep my eyes down. I pop the light on for a moment to get my bearings. I head to the locations I can remember. I don't even see him at all and BAM he turns me around and kills me.

Oh, so he'll come after me? If I'm within a certain distance from him? I have to keep running?

Frustrating? Yes. Scary? The first few times.

Slender is in the beta stage still, so it is very rough, and giving it a score is tricky. Hopefully the final product will be more substantial. If you want some cheap scares right away, go get it and play with the lights off.

SCORE: 45 out of 100
Worth checking out, if you like this sort of thing.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

[MOVIE] REVIEW: The Amazing Spider-Man

by: Alex

Let me just start off by saying: Tobey Maguire doesn't have shit on the new guy. This movie was excellent. It is a remake/refresh, this time having the Lizard man as the villain. (Obvious if you've seen the trailer.) The movie doesn't come off quite as cheesey as the original, although believe me, there are plenty of cheese-lines scattered throughout the movie.

It seems like they're trying to do basically the same thing Batman Begins and The Dark Knight did for the Batman series: make a well-made, more-polished and darker film about a superhero. The film was exciting, the acting by the main and supporting cast was convincing and seemed real despite some strange moments. ("There's a giant lizard... but get that spider-man off the streets.")

Despite the hiccups, the movie still remains better than the last 3 movies. Peter definitely seems like a more conflicted teen, but also a much more intelligent teen. Having him design the web cartridges seem realistic and is a lot more sensible than someone shooting webs out of their veins.

The one flaw (besides the occasional cheesy Spider-man comic book zing) is that sometimes during the fight scenes the cinematography is... like a commercial, if that makes sense. Moments that should be thrilling had me feeling a little detached. This may have been because I was at the 2D showing rather than forking up the extra cash for 3D, but nonetheless, the movie survived the sometimes cheap-looking camera work during a couple of the more crazed action scenes. Not all, just some.

SCORE: 80 out of 100
Wasn't quite the Avengers, but worth seeing. A breath of fresh air to that masked hero Tobey Maguire beat to death.


by: Alex

Also known as live action Family Guy, I'll admit I actually wasn't excited about this movie at all. The trailer didn't grab me in the slightest, and the clips I saw did not bring me in, but after reading a few other reviews I decided the movie was probably worth seeing.

And... I must say I'm very glad I saw it. The movie has a great story beneath all the fart jokes. Actually I would say it was actually heartfelt. The characters feel real despite the extremely fictional circumstances. Most of the jokes would probably be funny without it being a teddy bear doing the horribly raunchy things, but that is definitely the cherry on top that makes things 'laugh out loud" funny throughout the entire movie.

SCORE: 90 out of 100
Definitely see it if you can. If you have ever been a fan of Family Guy-type humor (past or present), I would say this is a must-see.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


by: Mark

If you'll indulge a lifelong Disney fan a moment to gush, Brave is a fantastically wonderful movie and I love it. As soon as credits rolled, I knew that it had replaced The Incredibles as my new favorite Pixar film, which is an incredible (ha) feat.

The story is one that has been told countless times: a stodgy mother tries to force her daughter into the prim and regal lifestyle, whilst the daughter merely wants to ride horses and shoot stuff. Even Disney has covered this plot, but Brave is a standout version of the tale.

Visually, the movie is gorgeous. If a mere backdrop or nature shot can mist up the audience's eyes, then I think it's okay to call a movie well-made. From dark, misty forests to lush rolling hills to sunset cliffs, Pixar knows perfectly how to tug at our visual heartstrings. The action is well shot, the lighting is (forgive the overused term) dynamic, and everything has that level of detail that Disney is known for.

The music in this movie could (and did) make a grown man weep. The scores vary from lilting tinwhistle to raucous bagpiping, and of course the epic, drum-filled fervor of any good steed-riding scene. There are even several voiced songs thrown in too; a rarely seen tactic, but they work well here.

I was only able to recognize a few voices, such as the wonderful Billy Connolly. (And of course, John Ratzenberger.) Everyone brought their A-game to the table though. Not a line slipped by without the intended emotion or humor left out.

Disney does dip a little into it's plot reserves: the ignored heroine, a person changed into an animal, the mandatory happy ending. But they use these in such a way that we, the audience, can forgive them. I'm sure it's the writing and pacing that keep it fresh, but really the movie is a bit of a blur to me. I am willing to bet I was staring at the screen more than once with glazed eyes and a slack jaw.

As far as Pixar movies go, this one was startlingly captive. The slow scenes have plenty to look at, the fast scenes demand your attention, and the story (a bit predictable, but hey, it's Disney) never leaves a void for your mind to wander.

It's very hard to give a Pixar movie a rating. You only have two options for the comparison:

  • Other Pixar movies, which are always stellar
  • Other company's CG movies, which aren't as good (they know who they are)
Seeing as I've already mentioned that this in my new #1 from the studio, I think I'll err on the higher end of the spectrum. I'm confident that anyone who sees Brave won't disagree with me.

SCORE: 100 out of 100
You should definitely, absolutely see it.

Friday, June 22, 2012


by: Alex
Developer: Silver Dollar Games

The best AND worst game ever.

For only 80 MS Points on the XBLA, this indie game will provide you with minutes of enjoyment. Think DDR without all of those confusing button combinations, or Heavy Rain without the plot. Sound like your kind of party? Then this might be the game for you! This is a timing game: don't let your cat (Luca) eat your cereal. The plot is pretty masterfully crafted.

But seriously, I'm sure this gem will be a staple in college dorm rooms around the country, with 18-year-olds doing shots every time Luca gets your cereal.

Good for a laugh. Worth the 80 points? Not really.

SCORE: 1.5 out of 100
Yes, seriously. 1.5

[MOVIE] REVIEW: Prometheus

by: Alex

Ridley Scott, you have... almost done it again. Prometheus is an outstanding movie, but falls short in a few key places. But hey, let's start with what's awesome.



I mean THE VISUALS, this movie is beautiful to look at! If you can see it in 3D, do so. (I know, I know it's a gimmick and a rip off, but it really does bring you in on this one. It's extremely well done without being "shit flying at your face just cause.")


A lot of good talent lent itself to this movie, including that girl with the dragon tattoo (Noomi Rapace) as a scientist, Charlize Theron as the next-in-line of her father's empire, and Michael Fassbender doing an amazing job as the android.


The science has its holes, but one thing I love about new sci-fi movies like this and Pandorum is that they portray hypersleep/stasis as a very grueling, gross thing to go through, rather than a sleepy time and you wake up fine and dandy. The ship's interior and technology will remind you of Alien, but in a good way.


The plot I thought was good. There are some weak spots that seem like you're just following David (android Fassbender) around a lot, but overall it's a decent pay off.


Supporting Cast

Besides Noomi Rapace, I could give a shit less whether the rest of the cast die or not. They don't get developed very well and you don't feel connected to them at all. Luckily, the film is usually following Noomi or Michael Fassbender.


The movie is worth seeing, and it is one of the best science fiction movies I have seen in awhile. It does not top Alien on an emotional level, but it is way more beautiful and contains a lot more action. While the disconnect with the other characters is apparent, and you don't care about most of them, the main characters maintain outstanding performances throughout most of the film.

Oh also, it's very gory. If you ever wondered what a self-administered C-section was like, this movie will show you.

SCORE: 86 out of 100

[GAME] REVIEW: X-Men Destiny

by: Mark
Developer: Silicon Knights
Publisher: Activision
PS3, X360 (Also DS, Wii)

Let's get the good stuff out of the way: the combat system is fairly simplistic, but easy to use and somewhat satisfying.

And now, the not-so-good.

Destiny is developed by Silicon Knights, who have had an interesting track record at best. They're most well-known for Too Human and Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (reviews pending). Whether you love them or hate them, SK has a pretty substantial legacy, and it shows in this game.

Graphically, the game is mediocre. Facial features are muddled and rigid, but the voice-acting is passable. Environments are standard fare. The score... I can't even recall a song from the game, so we'll call it forgettable.

The gameplay definitely has issues. Cutscenes cannot be skipped, even on subsequent playthroughs. Menus can be laggy, causing you to hit the wrong option fairly often. The storyline is nothing special: Xavier is dead, and someone attacks a pro-mutant rally. Clues are doled out regularly, but it takes effort to care.

I would call the game slow, but it's actually quite a quick play, being only 8 chapters long. You can choose from 3 characters, and from 3 classes, so there is definite replayability should you want that. (If you're merely in it for the achievements, there's a Chapter Select for various collectibles/enemy grinds.)

The best way to describe this game is "standard." You can definitely tell that Silicon Knights aspires to make great games. However, Destiny has nothing really special going for it, nor does it belong in the bargain bin at Walmart. It's just one of those games that hangs in "Forgettable Limbo."

Unfortunately, that seems to describe the majority of SK's games.

SCORE: 55 out of 100
Worth playing, but after your other games.

[GAME] REVIEW: Max Payne 3

by: Alex
Developer: Rockstar Games
Publisher: Rockstar Games
PC, PS3, X360

Just to clear things up, this is not your 'Marky-Mark Max Payne' follow-up.

The third installment in the Max Payne video game series takes place years after Max Payne 2 and has you working security for a super wealthy family residing in Brazil. To make a long story short: things begin to start spiraling out of control almost immediately for you, throwing you in the middle of a giant crap-storm of gangs, kidnapping, mercenaries, and overall corruption.

The plot itself is movie quality; you feel the tension and actually look forward to seeing the cutscenes, which don't overstay their welcome (like some other titles are famous for... MGS I love you so).

Of course, with this being Max Payne, things sometimes get a bit over-the-top. However, they don't get "Uncharted" over-the-top: most scenes/set-pieces help move the story along and provide a different mood for each level.

The story is not a happy one. If you've ever played a Max Payne game, you should know this is not going to be a happy story. People are dying all over, people are screwing each other over, and you play a drunk, pain killer-addicted ex-cop. It's not Breaking Bad dark; your character still maintains morals and tries to always do the right thing. The story itself makes the game worth playing all the way through, just to see it unfold.

The gameplay itself tends to follow the same formula with each level: shoot shoot shoot, holy shit I'm almost dead, take pain killers, bullet time, shoot, die, try again. And you will die, a lot. The actual mechanics have been improved, though. The action feels very smooth, and while at times it can be a bit frustrating and repetitive, they offer things like a cover system and bullet time. And as long as you have at least one pain killer, if you're about to die, killing your attacker will instantly spring you back to life.

Wonderful, really great graphics, combined with life-like sets make it feel near perfect.

This is one of the places where the game really shines, but I recommend these sound settings while playing: SFX 5, Music 10. The soundtrack was all done by this little noise-rock band called HEALTH. Being a fan, I'm slightly biased, but they really do paint the perfect picture for the game. The music goes from dance/house-ish, to haunting, to tribal at times, all helping convey the emotion of the story.

Overall, the game is one of the best I've played in the past couple years. (I put off playing Diablo 3 for 2 days while beating this.) Definitely a must-play if you are a fan of third person shooters, noire, gritty cop movies, etc.

SCORE: 94 out of 100
Definitely grab it.


by: Mark
Developer: EA Canada
Publisher: EA Sports
PS3, X360 (Also PSP)

Anyone who knows me personally can tell you that I don't care for sports games in general. So why is the first review of an NBA game? Because it's what I'm playing right now. Or should I say, attempting to play.

NBA Live 10 is not a great game, from a perspective outside of the sports world. It has many problems, beginning with its UI. The menu system is convoluted, and finding certain things can be a horrible chore. Submenu after submenu, EA's particular jargon is constantly barraging you. I don't suppose this is a terrible dilemma for those who have played previous iterations, but for me it was dizzying.

Even when you find yourself ready to play a game, it takes a moment to gather the layout of the screen. Team logos, stats, a news ticker, vague control suggestions... and were that not enough, high-energy technopop/rap music blaring from your speakers.

Once you begin a game, things just get worse. I was able to beat the other team on the hardest difficulty setting, and I haven't played a basketball game since the Sega Genesis. The controls are loose at best. I go to hit Steal, and my player flies forward several feet past the ball-carrier. I hit Block under the basket, I jump too early and completely miss the rebound. The timing feels really off, which doesn't seem like a good thing in an annual release.

There are sliders for both your team and the opposing team, that affect nearly all aspects of the game. Unfortunately, I think the game takes them as mere suggestions, and does whatever it wants anyways. You can have your shot stat all of the way up, their block stat all of the way down, fouls set to OFF, and somehow you'll still miss that throw from just outside the paint.

Are there any redeeming qualities? Yes, but only a few. The commentators are accurate and somewhat amusing... for the first few games. Then they begin to repeat themselves, and offer not-so-helpful suggestions, like backseat coaches.

The graphics are decent, at least for the players and court. The crowd is the same repeating texture sharing the same movements. The ball's physics is pretty iffy, and after a while, the whole experience becomes a kind of droning boredom. My eyes glazed over more than once. I wish they had spent less budget on those shorts physics, and spent it on something worthwhile.

The Trophies/Achievements are fairly easy to obtain, should that be your bag. There are plenty that have you scoring from 50-100+ points with a certain player, or against a certain team, which is absolutely doable in just about any difficulty.

So, where does that leave us? For me, as a jaded sports gamer, it leaves me where I expected to be left: it's a simplistic (yet aggravating) yearly sports game with little innovation. If you fall into the category of "Sports games yeah!," then Godspeed. I, however, am glad I paid nothing to experience it.

SCORE: 45 out of 100
A weekend rental at best.