Friday, June 22, 2012


by: Alex
Developer: Silver Dollar Games

The best AND worst game ever.

For only 80 MS Points on the XBLA, this indie game will provide you with minutes of enjoyment. Think DDR without all of those confusing button combinations, or Heavy Rain without the plot. Sound like your kind of party? Then this might be the game for you! This is a timing game: don't let your cat (Luca) eat your cereal. The plot is pretty masterfully crafted.

But seriously, I'm sure this gem will be a staple in college dorm rooms around the country, with 18-year-olds doing shots every time Luca gets your cereal.

Good for a laugh. Worth the 80 points? Not really.

SCORE: 1.5 out of 100
Yes, seriously. 1.5

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