Saturday, July 7, 2012

[GAME] REVIEW: Slender

by: Mark
Developer: Parsec Productions

Ah, another free to play, independent horror game? Psh, I've played SPC-087, this shouldn't be too bad.

This game is not frightening graphically. Really basic textures, white outlines in the darkness, and a narrow field of view really give this game a claustrophobic feel, but at no point does something look ominous or scary. Even the 'Man himself can be described as 'blah.' Noodle-bent arms, a pallid and lifeless blob for a face, that suit... visually unpleasant.

The sound is rudimentary, but it does its job well. You begin the game near a fence. You can run, and you have a flashlight. Both are limited. Follow that path, and you hear crickets chirping from the surrounding trees. BUT, when you find the first of 8 papers, then a horrible, slow heartbeat begins to play. Find another paper, and a soft wailing joins in. Find a third paper... I don't know what happens. I haven't found 3.

And here's my problem. Maybe I'm missing something fundamental, but the Readme says not to look at Slenderman or you'll die. So I noticed him along the side and turned away. Then BAM he kills me. Okay...?

So now I know better. I keep my eyes down. I pop the light on for a moment to get my bearings. I head to the locations I can remember. I don't even see him at all and BAM he turns me around and kills me.

Oh, so he'll come after me? If I'm within a certain distance from him? I have to keep running?

Frustrating? Yes. Scary? The first few times.

Slender is in the beta stage still, so it is very rough, and giving it a score is tricky. Hopefully the final product will be more substantial. If you want some cheap scares right away, go get it and play with the lights off.

SCORE: 45 out of 100
Worth checking out, if you like this sort of thing.

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