Friday, June 22, 2012

[GAME] REVIEW: X-Men Destiny

by: Mark
Developer: Silicon Knights
Publisher: Activision
PS3, X360 (Also DS, Wii)

Let's get the good stuff out of the way: the combat system is fairly simplistic, but easy to use and somewhat satisfying.

And now, the not-so-good.

Destiny is developed by Silicon Knights, who have had an interesting track record at best. They're most well-known for Too Human and Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (reviews pending). Whether you love them or hate them, SK has a pretty substantial legacy, and it shows in this game.

Graphically, the game is mediocre. Facial features are muddled and rigid, but the voice-acting is passable. Environments are standard fare. The score... I can't even recall a song from the game, so we'll call it forgettable.

The gameplay definitely has issues. Cutscenes cannot be skipped, even on subsequent playthroughs. Menus can be laggy, causing you to hit the wrong option fairly often. The storyline is nothing special: Xavier is dead, and someone attacks a pro-mutant rally. Clues are doled out regularly, but it takes effort to care.

I would call the game slow, but it's actually quite a quick play, being only 8 chapters long. You can choose from 3 characters, and from 3 classes, so there is definite replayability should you want that. (If you're merely in it for the achievements, there's a Chapter Select for various collectibles/enemy grinds.)

The best way to describe this game is "standard." You can definitely tell that Silicon Knights aspires to make great games. However, Destiny has nothing really special going for it, nor does it belong in the bargain bin at Walmart. It's just one of those games that hangs in "Forgettable Limbo."

Unfortunately, that seems to describe the majority of SK's games.

SCORE: 55 out of 100
Worth playing, but after your other games.

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