Friday, June 22, 2012

[MOVIE] REVIEW: Prometheus

by: Alex

Ridley Scott, you have... almost done it again. Prometheus is an outstanding movie, but falls short in a few key places. But hey, let's start with what's awesome.



I mean THE VISUALS, this movie is beautiful to look at! If you can see it in 3D, do so. (I know, I know it's a gimmick and a rip off, but it really does bring you in on this one. It's extremely well done without being "shit flying at your face just cause.")


A lot of good talent lent itself to this movie, including that girl with the dragon tattoo (Noomi Rapace) as a scientist, Charlize Theron as the next-in-line of her father's empire, and Michael Fassbender doing an amazing job as the android.


The science has its holes, but one thing I love about new sci-fi movies like this and Pandorum is that they portray hypersleep/stasis as a very grueling, gross thing to go through, rather than a sleepy time and you wake up fine and dandy. The ship's interior and technology will remind you of Alien, but in a good way.


The plot I thought was good. There are some weak spots that seem like you're just following David (android Fassbender) around a lot, but overall it's a decent pay off.


Supporting Cast

Besides Noomi Rapace, I could give a shit less whether the rest of the cast die or not. They don't get developed very well and you don't feel connected to them at all. Luckily, the film is usually following Noomi or Michael Fassbender.


The movie is worth seeing, and it is one of the best science fiction movies I have seen in awhile. It does not top Alien on an emotional level, but it is way more beautiful and contains a lot more action. While the disconnect with the other characters is apparent, and you don't care about most of them, the main characters maintain outstanding performances throughout most of the film.

Oh also, it's very gory. If you ever wondered what a self-administered C-section was like, this movie will show you.

SCORE: 86 out of 100

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