Friday, June 22, 2012

[GAME] REVIEW: Max Payne 3

by: Alex
Developer: Rockstar Games
Publisher: Rockstar Games
PC, PS3, X360

Just to clear things up, this is not your 'Marky-Mark Max Payne' follow-up.

The third installment in the Max Payne video game series takes place years after Max Payne 2 and has you working security for a super wealthy family residing in Brazil. To make a long story short: things begin to start spiraling out of control almost immediately for you, throwing you in the middle of a giant crap-storm of gangs, kidnapping, mercenaries, and overall corruption.

The plot itself is movie quality; you feel the tension and actually look forward to seeing the cutscenes, which don't overstay their welcome (like some other titles are famous for... MGS I love you so).

Of course, with this being Max Payne, things sometimes get a bit over-the-top. However, they don't get "Uncharted" over-the-top: most scenes/set-pieces help move the story along and provide a different mood for each level.

The story is not a happy one. If you've ever played a Max Payne game, you should know this is not going to be a happy story. People are dying all over, people are screwing each other over, and you play a drunk, pain killer-addicted ex-cop. It's not Breaking Bad dark; your character still maintains morals and tries to always do the right thing. The story itself makes the game worth playing all the way through, just to see it unfold.

The gameplay itself tends to follow the same formula with each level: shoot shoot shoot, holy shit I'm almost dead, take pain killers, bullet time, shoot, die, try again. And you will die, a lot. The actual mechanics have been improved, though. The action feels very smooth, and while at times it can be a bit frustrating and repetitive, they offer things like a cover system and bullet time. And as long as you have at least one pain killer, if you're about to die, killing your attacker will instantly spring you back to life.

Wonderful, really great graphics, combined with life-like sets make it feel near perfect.

This is one of the places where the game really shines, but I recommend these sound settings while playing: SFX 5, Music 10. The soundtrack was all done by this little noise-rock band called HEALTH. Being a fan, I'm slightly biased, but they really do paint the perfect picture for the game. The music goes from dance/house-ish, to haunting, to tribal at times, all helping convey the emotion of the story.

Overall, the game is one of the best I've played in the past couple years. (I put off playing Diablo 3 for 2 days while beating this.) Definitely a must-play if you are a fan of third person shooters, noire, gritty cop movies, etc.

SCORE: 94 out of 100
Definitely grab it.

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