Wednesday, July 4, 2012

[MOVIE] REVIEW: The Amazing Spider-Man

by: Alex

Let me just start off by saying: Tobey Maguire doesn't have shit on the new guy. This movie was excellent. It is a remake/refresh, this time having the Lizard man as the villain. (Obvious if you've seen the trailer.) The movie doesn't come off quite as cheesey as the original, although believe me, there are plenty of cheese-lines scattered throughout the movie.

It seems like they're trying to do basically the same thing Batman Begins and The Dark Knight did for the Batman series: make a well-made, more-polished and darker film about a superhero. The film was exciting, the acting by the main and supporting cast was convincing and seemed real despite some strange moments. ("There's a giant lizard... but get that spider-man off the streets.")

Despite the hiccups, the movie still remains better than the last 3 movies. Peter definitely seems like a more conflicted teen, but also a much more intelligent teen. Having him design the web cartridges seem realistic and is a lot more sensible than someone shooting webs out of their veins.

The one flaw (besides the occasional cheesy Spider-man comic book zing) is that sometimes during the fight scenes the cinematography is... like a commercial, if that makes sense. Moments that should be thrilling had me feeling a little detached. This may have been because I was at the 2D showing rather than forking up the extra cash for 3D, but nonetheless, the movie survived the sometimes cheap-looking camera work during a couple of the more crazed action scenes. Not all, just some.

SCORE: 80 out of 100
Wasn't quite the Avengers, but worth seeing. A breath of fresh air to that masked hero Tobey Maguire beat to death.

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