Saturday, July 7, 2012

[APP] REVIEW: Audiosurf Tilt

by: Mark
Developer: Audiosurf, LLC

© AOL Inc.
This free little app is a good diversion when you have nothing better to do whilst listening to your music. It lets you load up a song from your collection, and then you surf down an undulating roller coaster of noise while you dodge notes (a la Guiter Hero).

Nothing substantial, but it has its finer points. The longer your streak, the better your score. You get more points, you can unlock new backgrounds and other little extras.

Not a lot of people use Zunes (unfortunately), so this review won't mean much to most of you. If you do own a Zune, however, give it a try. You might like it.

SCORE: 60 out of 100
If you're bored, give it a shot.

[GAME] REVIEW: Slender

by: Mark
Developer: Parsec Productions

Ah, another free to play, independent horror game? Psh, I've played SPC-087, this shouldn't be too bad.

This game is not frightening graphically. Really basic textures, white outlines in the darkness, and a narrow field of view really give this game a claustrophobic feel, but at no point does something look ominous or scary. Even the 'Man himself can be described as 'blah.' Noodle-bent arms, a pallid and lifeless blob for a face, that suit... visually unpleasant.

The sound is rudimentary, but it does its job well. You begin the game near a fence. You can run, and you have a flashlight. Both are limited. Follow that path, and you hear crickets chirping from the surrounding trees. BUT, when you find the first of 8 papers, then a horrible, slow heartbeat begins to play. Find another paper, and a soft wailing joins in. Find a third paper... I don't know what happens. I haven't found 3.

And here's my problem. Maybe I'm missing something fundamental, but the Readme says not to look at Slenderman or you'll die. So I noticed him along the side and turned away. Then BAM he kills me. Okay...?

So now I know better. I keep my eyes down. I pop the light on for a moment to get my bearings. I head to the locations I can remember. I don't even see him at all and BAM he turns me around and kills me.

Oh, so he'll come after me? If I'm within a certain distance from him? I have to keep running?

Frustrating? Yes. Scary? The first few times.

Slender is in the beta stage still, so it is very rough, and giving it a score is tricky. Hopefully the final product will be more substantial. If you want some cheap scares right away, go get it and play with the lights off.

SCORE: 45 out of 100
Worth checking out, if you like this sort of thing.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

[MOVIE] REVIEW: The Amazing Spider-Man

by: Alex

Let me just start off by saying: Tobey Maguire doesn't have shit on the new guy. This movie was excellent. It is a remake/refresh, this time having the Lizard man as the villain. (Obvious if you've seen the trailer.) The movie doesn't come off quite as cheesey as the original, although believe me, there are plenty of cheese-lines scattered throughout the movie.

It seems like they're trying to do basically the same thing Batman Begins and The Dark Knight did for the Batman series: make a well-made, more-polished and darker film about a superhero. The film was exciting, the acting by the main and supporting cast was convincing and seemed real despite some strange moments. ("There's a giant lizard... but get that spider-man off the streets.")

Despite the hiccups, the movie still remains better than the last 3 movies. Peter definitely seems like a more conflicted teen, but also a much more intelligent teen. Having him design the web cartridges seem realistic and is a lot more sensible than someone shooting webs out of their veins.

The one flaw (besides the occasional cheesy Spider-man comic book zing) is that sometimes during the fight scenes the cinematography is... like a commercial, if that makes sense. Moments that should be thrilling had me feeling a little detached. This may have been because I was at the 2D showing rather than forking up the extra cash for 3D, but nonetheless, the movie survived the sometimes cheap-looking camera work during a couple of the more crazed action scenes. Not all, just some.

SCORE: 80 out of 100
Wasn't quite the Avengers, but worth seeing. A breath of fresh air to that masked hero Tobey Maguire beat to death.


by: Alex

Also known as live action Family Guy, I'll admit I actually wasn't excited about this movie at all. The trailer didn't grab me in the slightest, and the clips I saw did not bring me in, but after reading a few other reviews I decided the movie was probably worth seeing.

And... I must say I'm very glad I saw it. The movie has a great story beneath all the fart jokes. Actually I would say it was actually heartfelt. The characters feel real despite the extremely fictional circumstances. Most of the jokes would probably be funny without it being a teddy bear doing the horribly raunchy things, but that is definitely the cherry on top that makes things 'laugh out loud" funny throughout the entire movie.

SCORE: 90 out of 100
Definitely see it if you can. If you have ever been a fan of Family Guy-type humor (past or present), I would say this is a must-see.